(McKinlee Kate at 1 hour old)
Meet McKinlee Kate.... At only 1lb 3oz, McKinlee was born only 26 weeks in the pregnancy. She spent the first 8 months of her life at the MUSC Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Charleston, SC. While surrounded by doctors, nurses, and family helping her fight for her life, McKinlee under went 7 major surgeries in the first few days and months of her little life. However, with praying parents, and angels holding her every step along the way, this little babe had one miracle after the other handed down from Heaven!
Erin and Jonathan, McKinlee's mom and dad, were very faithful to give thanks to the Lord for every small accomplishment, as well as every heart breaking turn for the worst. Each minute with their sweet girl was such a blessing durning that trying time.
Here is a status that Erin posted on Facebook during the midst of the storm (July 11, 2012):
"We need prayers now more than ever. The doctors don't think she will make it if she doesn't start improving soon. She has so many problems right now, and we need a miracle. My God is stronger than this, and I pray it is His will for her to live."
Post the very next day (July 12,2012):
"What an awesome God we serve!! McKinlee is out of surgery and is doing ok. She is still very critical, but she survived the surgery. The surgeon said that it was a perforated bowel, but that is was the best scenario they could ask for. He said we dodged another bullet. One Doctor said that she has 9 lives. I say that she has a wonderful community of people praying for her. She is a very special miracle that God is using to bring people closer to him. Y'all have no idea how much each and everyone of y'all mean to us! We thank God for all of you!"
(that is a wash cloth she is holding onto)
McKinlee's story reached across the world as people who did not know her, her parents, or their family prayed for this tiny miracle baby! It was powerful to read the comments, see the "Like"s, and follow the Shares on Facebook! I have been overwhelmed to witness the love, prayers, and support (both finically and spiritually) that have been poured on this wonderful family.
From the bottom of my heart I can not say "Thank You" enough for being part of their story! The moment I shared any of Erin's post on my Facebook page you were right there to offer words of support and love to the York family! I say everyday that God has given me the best clients, friends, and family in the world, and this is only one example of the way that you love others! Thank you for the honor of choosing me to be your photographer!
Erin and Jonathan words can not express how humbled I am to photograph your beautiful little girl! Like I said when we finished shooting... It is my greatest honor to be in even the smallest part of your journey. Sweet moments spent with you, and your girl are what this job is all about for me! I am thankful that you are in my life, and I could not be more thrilled that you are home with your happy baby!
I am more in love with Jesus Christ everyday! I pray that you are touched by His love in this life, and allow Him to be your Personal Lord and Savior! What a beautiful life...
This Doll is the exact size, and weight that McKinlee was when she was born!
Living the life!
I love you this much!
Happy Girl!
McKinlee who saved your life?
Silly Girl...
Sweet Dreams...
To God be all of the Glory!